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Susan Smith the III (worry about that one) and her boyfriend, Bob the II, were driving home along an old country road. They had just been to the execution of Slosh Gorshkin, who had finally been captured by a violent revolution led by Susan. By poisoning the Sworshk with the use of bait (Suaan Smith the IV) and by using strength, skill, brains, and of course luck, they caught Slosh in the middle of a gourmet dinner. (Susan Smith the V).

Suddenly Bob stepped the car. Susan looked at Bob, and Bob looked at Susan. They looked at each other. There, in the middle of the road, was a red pile of goo.

Slosh Gorshkin the II was happy now. He was in the Bahamas, and even though his father had just been executed, he laughed and played in the sun. But people still wouldn't go near him. I guess he had his father's lips. . .

 © 1983, 

T. G. Taft

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