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Personal Files of the Main Characters

These files have been created for two reasons. The first, and most important of the two, is to aid the writers themselves in better portraying the main characters of the other authors. The second reason is to aid those unfortunates who read this volume after only skimming through, or hearing about, the First Volume.

Each character is divided into seven distinct catagories: Full name, general appearance, marital status, general personality, likes and dislikes, immediate family history, and Story War firsts.

Full name is self-explanatory.

Marital Status states either single, married, seperated, divorced, or widowed; it also indicates the number of children, their age, and their other parent.

General personality carries with it a broad definition; some adjectives might be naughty, nice, wicked, evil, egocentric, self-centered, etc.

Likes and dislikes is an interesting category that will state a character's special fetishes, or other things that may make their skin crawl.

Immediate family history will give the known history of the character, their parents, their siblings, and their children.

Story War Firsts gives five special things that this character did first that added something to the story War. Note that at the end of every month, starting l-31-85, one new "first" will be added to every character's file.

The characters mentioned here are the main characters of each author. Should an author decide to change a main character, it should be reported to the Book Keeper immediately. The characters in these files, note, may not be killed by any author excluding its own. It is illegal to have more than one main character.

Personal File on Main Character of T. G. Taft

Full Name: (Yes, folks. Here it is.) Theodoric Gabriel Taft.

Appearance: Business-like; brown eyes.

Marital Status: Widower. Had one child.

General Personality: Of the old school, Taft liked people to bow down to their leader. Did not like to forgive people who killed his wife. Had perseverance; militaristic; moody. Distrusted strangers, but could be very loving and trusting to someone well-known.

Likes and Dislikes: Liked custom-made chairs. Liked to win. Disliked stupid wills. Liked to daydream. Liked to write. Disliked all-powerful plimpkin-rejects. Liked orange juice.

Immediate Family History: Wife's name was Amanda, she was killed in a car accident while a drunken Enad the Great was driving. They had one child, T. G. Taft II. No other history known.

Story War Firsts: First main character to go back in time, first character to go through seven months of story writing with only two initials, first character to announce that he was in space, first character to share a body with both Adena and Ozino.


Personal File of the Main Character of Danae Conrad

Full Name: Adena Adelaide Ledic Ludit.

Appearance: Being Taft's version of a 10, Adena has emerald eyes with golden flecks and a slender waist that fits the Belt of Excho perfectly.

Marital Status: Widow, but quite available. Two children; both dead.

General Personality: Forgetful; semi-self-centered; strongest in times of pressure. Motherly instinct known at one time.

Likes and Dislikes: Dislikes Quisches. Likes to run starships. Dislikes being pampered. Likes to be in charge.

Immediate Family History: Of direct lineage to the Wizards Ozino and Wisdym, along with the original Ludit. (Co-Ledic?) Father's name was Odina, mother's name was Coina. Both were killed by a dragon when she was 10. Husband's name was Archimedes "Blue" Ledic; together they had two twins: Kyan and Kirstie. Both of the children died when Blue and Adena left them; Later Adena returned alone. The Titan is also a known relative.

Story War Firsts: First female everything, but we'll just say first female main character. First character to give consent to marriage, first character to blush at the second combining of the Keys, first character to have its history explained, first character to get pregnant; first character to be allowed to take command over another's domain, and then not so much as to allow the other free movement within her own.


Personal File of the Main Character of Jonathon Pierce

Full Name: Suralio Frith Iffley.

Appearance: muscular; rusty, auburn hair; beard; golden eyes.

Marital Status: Single, but working on it.

General Personality: trusting; honest; passionate when given the chance; benevolent; self-sufficient; shy.

Likes and Dislikes: Likes to read, dislikes changes from the norm; likes to die; dislikes complexity.

Immediate Family History: Parents apparently normal (!); no other immediate relatives known.

Story War Firsts: First character to die three different times; first character to be brought back to life three different times; first main character to send a wedding present; first character to become blind; first character to be killed in Taft's daydream; first main character to enter Ralle.


Personal File of the Main Character of Enad the Great

Full Name: Enad the Great

Appearance: short; wirey black beard; small bald spot.

Marital Status: Widower, but interested. Had two known children.

General Personality: reckless; partially insane; vagabond; but it is apparent that there is some good, or was some good, somewhere.

Likes and Dislikes: Likes to drink, dislikes dimension-field devices, likes to feel at home.

Immediate Family History: Father's name was Enad, Sr. Mother not mentioned. Wife was a Knophisghtian found when he was doing dimension travels. She died of old age. Had one son: Enad the Encephalon.

Story War Firsts: First main character ever to be inside of a plimpkin; first character ever to be all-powerful; first character to be stuck on an island naked; first main character to have a smarter son than himself; first known character able to get Taft drunk; first character to wear holograms instead of clothes even when he didn't have to.


Personal File of the Main Character of Bronson Colt Randolf

Full Name: Bronson Colt Randolf

Appearance: Strong; well-mannered; handsome.

Marital Status: Single.

General Personality: A bit on the defensive side: power-hungry; not dominant.

Likes and Dislikes: Likes to be debonair; dislikes his cousin, Enad; likes birthdays, likes defenses.

Immediate Family History: Most of his relatives were killed by Enad and his pet Swolsk(s), including his parents.

Story War Firsts: First main character ever to enter the War after it was started; first character to have a mentor; first character to invent a dimension field device; first character to self-destruct one of his own possessions; first main character ever to be related to another main character; first character to make a movie about himself causing the extermination of 3.5 billion people.


Personal File on Main Character Of Kimberly Blaire

Full Name: Eve Eden.

Appearance: Light brown hair; oval-shaped face; blue eyes; full, perfectly shaped lips; rosy cheeks.

Marital Status: Single, and perfectly innocent.

General Personality: Innocent and Gentle; a certain amount of insecurity present due to a lack of responsibility during youth. Has very good self-control.

Likes and Dislikes: Likes teddy bears, dislikes being watched, likes friends, likes to know security is near.

Immediate Family History: Father known as Sir Pent, the ruler of the Snicker's Galaxy. Other relatives apparently part of the Royal Family.

Story War Firsts: First character to openly state Taft as being evil (i.e., to lie openly and without cause); first main character to originate outside of the galaxy; first character to go through a white hole; first character to need a teddy bear at age twenty-two; first character to be jumped in a pond (maybe...); first character to admit to being a virgin.

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