It was a rainy night in the little town of New York City. At one
of the Sheraton Hotels was being held a family reunion. Yes, folks. The Smith
Family reunion.
It was a warm and sunny day in the Bahamas as Slosh Gorshkin the
II prepared to leave for New York City. Susan the III was there. Revenge was
on his mind.
The moon was shining over the cold, black, city, and the
darkness was dreary, floating as it always did. The dead body of John Brown
lay on the bottom of the lake, and Gom1ik Smakimze was boarding a plane bound
for New York. Escape was on his mind.
It was dark. Yes, it was very, very dark. In the bright light of
the desk lamp Cheriderf Retse1 prepared for a History field trip to New York.
Fun and relaxation was on his mind.
The date was May 27. Slosh arrived in the big Apple at 9:17 AM,
complements of Sworshk II. Cheriderf, complements of the 9:00 train, arrived
at 9:18 AM. And Gom1ik, compliments of the 5:30 American Airlines plane,
arrived at 9;19. Then a coincidence occured. Slosh started for the Sheraton.
Cheriderf's class moved to the Sheraton, and Gom1ik decided to hide out at the
Meanwhile, back at the Sheraton, a whole crowd of Susans, not to
mention a few Bobs, were gathering. Suddenly a door on the North Side sprung
open. Slosh II walked in. Then the Southwest door flew open. In walked
Cheriderf. Finally, the Southeast door sprung open, and in walked Gom1ik.
Now the Susans were very beautiful, and there were 7 of them.
Two for each of them and. . .
All but Susan Smith the III were gone in a few seconds. Who
would get her? An argument arose, and a huge fight broke out. Suddenly, as the
dust cleared, it was clear who the winner was. After all their savage
instincts were put into that fight, only one survived. . .
SUSAN! She turned into a maniac and promptly ate everyone in the
city of New York.
Morale: Never get a Smith angry.